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Body ody ody ody, okay we all know Meg the Stallion said it the best. As someone that has very dry skin in general, I have searched far and wide for things that work for my body. Especially in the winter, my ash is real. Let’s tackle the dry, the flaky, and the oil together and see what is the best thing to use for skin that isn’t cooperating with us the days it needs to be. 

For all my body hair ladies, this place is for you too! I am currently on my laser hair journey and will be documenting the pros, the cons, and if the price is worth it for a hairless body. I have struggled with body hair my whole life and tired plenty of products that left me with allergic reactions and patches. Please remember that body hair is normal and everyone has it, don’t let anyone let you feel ashamed of it. But if you want to remove it, that is okay too! 

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